Language Plus
Deborah Achhorner
Habuelstrasse 152
8704 Herrliberg
ph +41 793862972
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Language Plus brings Scientific Learning Corporation's Fast ForWord® programmes to Switzerland.

Based on over 30 years of proven scientific research and available to students in more than 40 countries around the world, Fast ForWord helps children from 4 years of age to end high school struggling with English language skills. This may include those with speech and language difficulties; a diagnosis of auditory processing disorder, dyslexia, autism, ADD or ADHD; and those those with difficulties processing verbal instructions, processing information, memory retention, concentrating, focusing attention.

Fast Forword can also help non-English speaking background and bi-lingual students strengthen their English language abilities.

Fast ForWord is a series of computer based programmes that are worked on at home, on a daily basis. The exercises increase brain activity in the areas critical for processing language. Neural pathways are developed; results are lasting.

Language and reading abilities are improved because the programmes strengthen core skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar. Studies repeatedly show that achievement gains in reading of 1 to 2 grade year levels in as little as 8 to 12 weeks are achievable. A student's overall performance also improves because cognitive skills are enhanced; self esteem goes up, motivation and behaviour can be positively affected as the student integrates more successfully in the classroom.

For further information on what is Fast ForWord, how and why does it work, please visit our website or call Deborah Achhorner to discuss how we can help your child.

posted: 25.01.11