ICF Basel - International Christian Fellowship Basel
Güterstrasse 213 (Gundeli-Casino, Tellplatz)
4053 Basel
Tel: 061 311 44 11
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A church alive for God! A dynamic Christian church with a clear vision: to bring the gospel to our generation and help them to step into a personal relationship with God. Especially if you have never put a foot inside a church: Come and join one of the services and you'll be surprised to find a church that speaks your language! Sunday evenings with English translation and an English-speaking small group throughout the week.

posted: 22.09.08



ICF Zürich (International Christian Fellowship)
Hardstrasse 219 - Maag Areal
CH-8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 (0)43 366 76 76

Sunday Celebrations:
 9:30    am   High German
11:00  am    Swiss German
 5:00   pm   International English
 7:00    pm   Swiss German

This church is absolutely awesome and worth visiting! A whole new set up for english speaking people is planed soon!

updated: 21.08.05, 22.01.14

Christain Women's Fellowship
'Helferei' Kirchgasse 13
8001, Zurich
Tel: (01) 262-3976 (Susan Pluess)

Meetings are held on third Wednesday of the month from 9:30-11:30. Babysitting available.

Flughofstrasse 41
8152 Glattbrugg (opposite the airport)
Tel: 076 507 1302
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We are all about helping you live a powerful Christian life.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am (opposite the airport).

Teachings are in English and translated into German.  We have a great Kids Church as well.

For more information visit our web www.powerhousechurch.ch or contact Desmond Frey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 076 507 1302.Drop in for a visit at one of our services.  We are pretty sure that you are going to love this place.

posted: 23.09.08